For those who like to manifest reality, especially in their lives and in their businesses. This blog is the vehicle of imparting much of what I have and continue to learn.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Gratitude, Friends and Abundance

I received an email from a friend today. It was overflowing with gratitude for my (and others') friendship, a long forward that brought the point of how important friends are and a sincere and very gushy expression of her own feelings toward having so many good friends. One of the things she said was "I think I am blessed beyond belief. It is a great mystery to me why and how that happened, but I'm lovin' it ! ! !"

Of course as many of us know, it is no mystery why and how that happened. So, I wrote her back the following:

"I do not think it is an accident that you have so many gratifying friendships. Serotonin levels not with standing, I'd say you give and are grateful and that clears you out to constantly receive more and more. It's called abundance and you got it kiddo!!!

The grateful heart is a generator of happiness. Expressing gratitude starts the pump and everything after that is automatic. Thanks for your wonderful email and for being in MY life too"

I really liked the image of gratidtude as a generator that's starts by expression. I've often thought of the Expresso machines when I think of emotions. We squeeze them out under pressure and they are very concentrated. Perhaps that's why many people are cautious about expressing their feelings.

I want to express in the moment as much as possible. Now all my images are coming back. Expressing breast milk. Express trains, mail, certainly communications. There is a normal flow and their is the expression of that flow in a direction or for a purpose. Hmmmm. Emotions.

How does it fit into Manifest Marketing?? I think you know. If you read this, write me back and let me know what your thoughts on the topic are. Every book written, every teacher taught says we must add feelings to desire and image. How are we to do that unless we are familiar and not fearful of our feelings.


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