For those who like to manifest reality, especially in their lives and in their businesses. This blog is the vehicle of imparting much of what I have and continue to learn.

Friday, April 27, 2007

About Marketing

You'll Know It When You See It - Manifest Marketing

I believe that all Marketing is applied strategy

There is marketing that is necessary and there is marketing that is applied for greed and there is marketing that undermines one's self and one's product and there is marketing that is off-target. In short, marketing is whatever you make it to be.

When you uncover a need for yourself or for others, you can then stragegize it into being with manifest marketing.

In order to have marketing that is meaningful and will manifest what you want, one has to first find the truth.

Ask yourself the question: What do I know is true about this product, situation, person?

For example:

I want to be a ____________________
I want to sell _____________________
I want __________________________

Then ask, what else is true?

I am not sure how to go about doing that
I've never sold this before
I don't think I can get it

Continue to ask what else is true?

What is acceptable to me is the only marketing I will allow
I am not willing to comprimise myself in doing this
I can live with some ___________
I can't live with _______________

After all the questions have been answered with true statements, it's a matter of making choices against the back drop of whatever principles you select.

Marketing itself is not good or bad marketing. It can be guided by principle and created by choice.

In either case, your outcome will depend on what ever is true for you and YOU get to decide what's true!!! It's a Win Win

So go over what you know to be true again. It may look like this:

I love the world and all that is in it
My work is my worship
I want to make money using my talents
I don't know how to do that

So, first you have to know that all true and then you have to know what you do want. Notice I don't say don't want. More on that later.

Test each want and see if it holds up to truth by asking:

Would I trade this for something else?
What would my life be like without this?
Is it important enough to me to stake my life on it?

How are you doing so far?? Make up any more questions you think would test your wants.

Once you you know your wants to be truth (not your don't wants at this point, remember), then you'll know it when you see it and if it doesn't measure up to your principles, you'll know that when you see it.

Getting it to show up is the easy part.

You just ask for it (want it) and know you will recieve it and you are grateful for that process.

Then once more, You'll Know It When you See IT.

Try out a few statements like

I want to meet a really cool guy who stays the course no matter what, who wants to travel his heart and not settle externally, but is settled internally

I want to attract people who will pay for my work out of their need to be given what I have to offer.

Keep going with more.

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