For those who like to manifest reality, especially in their lives and in their businesses. This blog is the vehicle of imparting much of what I have and continue to learn.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Don't Wanting and Wanting are the Same


This one confuses people all the time. It still confuses me. But, I've got a few shortcuts to understanding it. One explanation that's given is that when you say I don't want __________, the universe/your subconscious/higher power only hears I want __________.

Don't just doesn't exist in the land of all oneness that is consciousness.

I have trouble holding onto that explanation. It seems to require a lot of faith. Yet experience has shown me that yes, 'I don't want' almost always shows up (sooner or later) as a manifested want. So I try to think of it this way. Nothing exists in the all. The void is all there is in the all. Don't is like an empty hole. I like to think of it as a donut hole. When I say don't, I think do not hole. The do not hole does not exist.

That's me. Your approach may work differently. Here are some other ways to look at the same thing.

What Resists Persists. I hung onto that one for some time, but it was more about fighting against something rather than the more seemingly benign 'I don't want'. I liked it when it came to angry protest, holding a line, not allowing certain ideas to get into my head -- things like that.

Then someone told me to think of it this way. If you give attention to something it grows. Like a plant. You give it good soil, water, sunlight, the proper care and attention it needs. It grows! So it is with any thought. When you put your attention on 'I don't want __(pimples, pain, to grow old . . . )___, it too grows until it comes into being.

That was a little simpler for me to understand. You may have other ways of looking at it. A good practice for turning 'not wanting' into 'wanting' is to change negatives into positives. Not a bad practice in any case. Try these:

I don't want to die lonely-becomes--I want to live with many friends or I want to die surrounded with friends

I don't want another jerk for a boyfriend ----- I want a caring, loving man in my life

I don't want to be poor ------- I want abundance and ease to fill my life

You get the idea, I'm sure. For me, don't wants seem to take a bit longer than wants to manifest. So it's like forgetting to take your vitamins. The negative effects take awhile to show up and by then you forgot that you stopped taking them.

Sometimes, something shows up in my life and I think 'why did that happen? I didn't want that to happen!' Then I remember. I DIDN'T want it to happen is the same as WANTING it to happen. Strange, but true.

So, practice now to stay positive!! The world needs it anyway. People will thank you by being more and more attracted to you too.

I want my words to serve the highest good for all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.